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Pay as you Wish

At the Bodhi Tree we offer a few Yoga sessions on a pay as you wish basis. We know the importance of unity, allowing everyone the ability to practice Yoga and know the benefits of it physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 


Pay as you wish is designed to make Yoga accessible to a wider range of people. It is a system where you truly get to decide how much you pay for your Yoga offering. This type of payment allows us to be a true community of love and awareness, being compassionate and generous and is designed for everyone to participate as One.


No matter what you choose to pay we are all able to be a part of a community and enjoy the benefits of Yoga. If you choose to and are able to pay more, you are helping those who are not in the same place financially and also helping the studio remain open. This is the beautiful aspect of pay as you wish because it is a system of compassion, generosity and love, bringing All together in unity which is Yoga.


Your offering or payment for a session is not only helping others but also helping and allowing the studio to remain open. For a Yoga studio to exist there are many costs such as rent, insurance, licenses, any props or extras in the studio. There is also training or continuing education, keeping certificates valid, preparing sessions and providing a space where you can find healing, love and inner peace. Without your help this would not be possible, we feel immense gratitude to be present every day in our studio and thank you for your contribution to our community.

If you are unable to attend a pay as you wish session please reach out to to discuss payment options for other sessions offered. We are here for you and would like everyone to be able to attend Yoga. Please never hesitate to contact us, we would like to hear from you.

Pay as you Wish Sessions

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